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Mission Statement
Alcoholics Anonymous and related groups ought never endorse, finance of lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose. A club, a 12 Step Group and its related 12 Step Organization can have a beneficial relationship when the club respects the autonomy of the Group and its related Organization.
The purpose of San Diego North County Alano Club has been since 1963; to create, provide and maintain a Club incidental to the movement of all 12 Step programs by stimulating, encouraging, aiding, assisting, providing physical facilities for the use of the members of this Club and in maintaining their recovery and to provide a meeting place for the members of all the 12 Step programs.
The Club achieves its mission by providing;
Facilities for 12 Step meetings and workshops (Schedule on back of this page)
A safe place for those newly in recovery.
A place for fellowship for recovering 12 Step Program members.
Recovery Related materials, including books, pamphlets and tokens for 12 Step Programs.
A quiet place where sponsors and sponsees can meet.
Coffee, food, non-alcoholic beverages, etc.
The San Diego North County Alano Club has become a beacon of hope for the tens of thousands of people who have walked through our doors. It has become respected in the community and enjoys widespread support from our neighbors, nearby communities, businesses and local government organizations. Members continue to give back to the community through membership, financial support, and volunteering for the many opportunities that support the Club in its outreach to North San Diego County and surrounding areas.
Any person with 30 days recovery is invited to join the Club and make the club an active part of the role you can play in your own recovery. Until then please enjoy our facility and respect our efforts to support you and others in finding their recovery, one day at a time.